Indoors and outdoors, small towns across America love to show off their history. Whether it be old farm equipment, mining tools, cars, planes, trains, and other transportation, or parlor, kitchen, and office furniture, (to name just a few,) buildings and open spaces are set aside for museum-like displays. Last post, I showed the Miracle of America Museum, a place packed full of what I am talking about. This post, I use Deer Lodge, Montana, and another, (unfortunately forgotten) downtown as examples.

Every time I traveled some backroad in the U.S.A., I found a small museum or historical district that interested me. Many were free to visit. Some may have charged a nominal fee or donation. Most had at least one unique item in their collection. (No, I am not talking about the green alien U.F.O. baby in a jar, either, although that still interests me!) In upcoming posts, I want to present to you music videos with photographs of some of the places that inspired me. Stick around if you want to explore and enjoy!