Part Two of this series of small town museum collections contains pictures from Southwest Utah. As part of the American Southwest, locals take pride in their remembrance of bye-gone days — culture and history of simpler times — and have restored and preserved this life of the past. The video shows two Utah state park museums, as well as other “ghost” towns that I have visited in the region.

It is interesting to see the type of work that people did on the frontier, and the tools and machines, (and manual labor,) they used. I bring this up because today is Labor Day in the U.S.A., which is a day that celebrates all those who have worked, are working, or will work. Yet, Mom and Dad had wise words for me when I was growing up, and these are — “Enjoy your job, and you never “work” a day in your life.” It becomes all about the fun and passion you have for what you are doing that makes it worthwhile, enjoyable, and profitable. So, HAPPY LABOR DAY everybody. Enjoy the light-hearted music!