Hooray! An article I read over the weekend gave me the news that our national parks and monuments have begun to reopen in many parts of the country. Also, our free public beaches and shorelines have begun to allow people back to exercise and just have fun in the sunshine. These places are great for family vacations. Besides the natural beauty, there are lessons in science, history, and cultural significance to be learned and appreciated.. Basically, you can find one (or more) close to home, and you won’t need to get in airplane if you don’t want to fly.

Since the key word for 2020 is social distancing, please apply the same principles of social distancing to encounters with our furry friends in the wild, too. Many animals have become less wary of their habitats because there are fewer visitors. Please watch for them as you visit our national parks, drive safely, keep a safe distance, don’t feed the bears, and so on. Every thing and everybody will be safer. Check with the Visitor’s Centers you will find in most of these areas if you have any questions.

Today’s video celebrates our park and wilderness areas. Photographs were taken with a DSLR or smartphone with a telephoto setting, and digitally zoomed and enlarged in the computer. Stay safe, enjoy the wildlife, but please practice healthy distancing in our parks!