“it was a dark and stormy night…”

Fiction, horror, and mystery writers often use the setting of a “dark and stormy night” as a metaphor for troubled, uncertain, and sinister happenings. Today’s video comes complete with lots of rain and an unsettled-sounding Hollywood soundtrack. It is inspired by Edward Hopper’s 1942 painting “The Nighthawks.” A man and couple in this picture, (practicing social distancing recommendations without the face masks, nevertheless) dine in a brightly-lit eatery in a dark part of the city.

Not to go overboard with cliches, but the setting and characters in this artwork always suggested a detective show or crime drama, with gumshoe private eyes, dames, and stolen jewels or worse. Therefore, I composed the song with blaring horns, suspenseful strings, and a pulsating man-of-the-street beat.

Mysteries have always been a favorite genre of mine. I hope to bring more videos to you with this genre in the future, dirtier and grimier than ever. Please enjoy responsibly.