Hello friends and family,

I traveled in my RV from coast to coast, Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean, twice these past half-a-dozen months, and to Alaska and Hawaii too.  Although still in some disbelief that I drove two huge circles around the continental United States, after having never owned an RV before, without accident or major problems, I learned some interesting things along the way.  My experiences have been similar to the depth and breath of accelerated courses at a good university.

I discovered that by hitting destinations rapidly and staying for short amounts of time, I was able to cover a lot of ground, (nearly 40,000 miles worth this summer!)  Although not what fellow travelers would or should do, my twice-coastal trips in the United States (and Canada) provided me the essentials of different areas, cities, and regions that will be of use during a new home decision.  It’s a good thing I kept a blog of these places, because it has been a whirlwind!

But now I am ready to slow it down, at least for the winter.  Disliking the connotation of “snowbirding,” I find myself heading for warmer climes nevertheless!  Anyplace in the Sun Belt — that figurative line dividing warmer,  southernly states like Arizona and Florida from the rest of the mainland states — suits me just fine.  And, I plan to stay at some campgrounds for up to a month at a time.  Of course, that’s as long as I like my neighbors and the location.  If I have to pick up and go, I can; the benefit of living in an RV.

The timing of these posts lengthen as the days grow shorter, but I’ll still let you know my whereabouts and what’s up in my world.  I’m thinking the new year is bringing more travel, including international.  However, for recent pictures of fall foliage and other outstanding events of the past few weeks, please access the page “October Reflections” through the Main Menu above.