Some know Bath, a city in South West England, as the home of Jane Austen in the early 1800s. She used it as a setting in her novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. Others may recall the Wife of Bath, one of Chaucer’s spicier characters, in his 14th Century Middle English classic The Canterbury Tales. From history, we learned that Bath was founded by the Roman Empire in the first century. What do these references tell us about the Bath of today?

They tell us Bath is a great place to visit! If you like architecture, there is neoclassic Georgian buildings and first-ever city planning. If you like archaeology, there is the Roman Bath, one of the best examples of still-standing Roman Empire infrastructure anywhere. And, if you like your vacations relaxed, of course there are still hot-mineral-spa waters to sooth tired bodies.

When in England, enjoy Bath. I am sure it gets many votes as the favorite place to see in the U.K.