Hey people, it’s 2020. Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions?

I see, I see…Yet, it will not be too hard to make at least one resolution that you can maintain all year. You can make goals to eat healthier, or lose weight. You can become a member of a book club, like Oprah’s or the new book club on “Good Morning America.” You can do anything you set your mind to. Start now, and stay motivated throughout the year.

Since I planned to read more in retirement, (through all the books in my bookcase over time,} my head turned when I saw that GMA’s newest book club offering was titled “Long Bright River” by Liz Moore, (release date of Jan. 7, 2020.) It’s a psycho-social-murder mystery that blends opioid addiction problems into family and community relationships, while trying to solve a homicide. It sounds interesting!

Then, “Long Bright River” reminded me of a song I wrote and put in the vault awhile back. It’s called “A Million Times;” as, in the common-used phrase, “I’ve seen it (or heard it) a million times.” It is this week’s video. It is a cautionary tale of a kid who heads straight into the illusion of a movie and winds up in the cold, harsh reality of life on the street. It is such a sad tale that I don’t want to hear it a million and one times.

Is there ever a remedy? I don’t know, because there are abuse and addiction problems, health and mental issues, and other social ills that are causes. Indifferent parents, lousy teachers, even a child’s attitude can play a role (as they do in this video.) All I can say is that we need to do a better job in helping our younger generations develop into our old generations in the future. Now that would be a resolution!